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Check for Chromatic

isChromatic() gives you full control over what code is executed in the Chromatic environment. Use it in your Storybook to omit/include behavior that will be captured in Chromatic’s snapshots.

Use in .storybook/preview.js

This is useful when you want to change behavior of all stories when rendered in Chromatic.

// .storybook/preview.js

import isChromatic from "chromatic/isChromatic";

// Disable animation
if (isChromatic()) {
  // The exact method to do this will depend on your animation techniques.
  AnimationLibrary.disable = true;

// Disable lazyloading
LazyLoad.disabled = isChromatic();

Use in *.stories.js

This is useful when you want to change behavior of one component’s stories when rendered in Chromatic.

// MyComponent.stories.js|jsx

import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent";

import isChromatic from "chromatic/isChromatic";

export default {
  component: MyComponent,
  title: "MyComponent",

export const StoryName = {
  args: {
    label: isChromatic() ? `I'm in Chromatic` : `Not in Chromatic`,

Use in application or component code

In rare instances, component behavior may need to be tailored for Chromatic testing environments. For example, disabling animations or lazy loading can improve test reliability. You can use isChromatic in your component code to make Chromatic-specific changes.

Note: ensure that chromatic is available as a dependency in production code in this scenario.

Exercise caution when using isChromatic directly in your component code. Our recommended practice is to make this behavior controllable via props so that you can utilize isChromatic within your Storybook configuration or stories. This offers a cleaner separation of concerns and keeps your component code agnostic to its testing environment.

With an environment variable

If you’re working with Storybook 7.0 or later, you can also adjust your chromatic script and add the IS_CHROMATIC environment variable to allow you to control the story’s behavior when rendered in Chromatic.

  "scripts": {
    "chromatic": "IS_CHROMATIC=true chromatic"

Then in your component story file, set the options (e.g., args, parameters) based on the environment variable as follows:

// MyComponent.stories.js|jsx

import { MyComponent } from "./MyComponent";

export default {
  component: MyComponent,
  title: "MyComponent",

export const StoryName = {
  args: {
    label: process.env.IS_CHROMATIC ? `I'm in Chromatic` : `Not in Chromatic`,

ℹ️ For Vite-based environments, you may be required to adjust your story to allow it to access the environment variable. See the Vite documentation for more information.